Call for submissions – Dispatches from the Encampments and Beyond: Teaching and Student Protests for Palestine

Radical Teacher seeks submissions about teaching in and about the protest encampments and other forms of student activism that have emerged during the spring of 2024 across the U.S. and the world.

What kinds of teaching and learning are happening in the encampments and elsewhere in this protest movement? What new knowledges, intellectual collaborations, and creative pedagogies are emerging out of the current struggle for peace and justice in Palestine and Israel? What lessons learned in previous peace and justice activism are helping to make these protests possible? What new lessons are needed to make sense of what’s taking place?

We welcome notes, narratives, dispatches, or more fully formed essays from 300-3,000 words. Short reflections, student-authored pieces, interviews, experimental formats are welcome!

Please send submissions by July 15, 2024, to Radical Teacher via Joseph Entin at JEntin@brooklyn.cuny.eduand Bob Rosen at with the header “Teaching Note” and also submit them online at

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