Email Zap: Reinstate pro-Palestine student workers at the University of Michigan!

U-M President Santa Ono and the Board of Regents are leading an unprecedented campaign of mass repression against
pro-Palestine activists, using police violence, criminal charges, internal disciplinary processes, and firings to deter the
movement, despite overwhelming support for divestment on campus.

Just before the start of the 2024-2025 academic year, University of Michigan HR informed at least seven student workers
that their employment had been terminated and that they would be ineligible for rehire, citing trumped up accusations of
violence from a protest in November 2023. These are politically motivated terminations akin to McCarthy-era blacklists
and should have no place at the University. It is no coincidence that HR has gone after non-union workers who have no
due process.

Send an email to the University of Michigan HR now to call for a halt to terminations and the rehiring of student workers.

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