PSU-AAUP Strike Fund Announced

Our colleagues at PSU-AAUP are asking that union siblings support their strike-ready preparations by contributing to their newly-announced strike fund. PSU-AAUP asks that union siblings show solidarity by contributing as individuals, bringing motions to local unions to provide strike fund contributions, and spreading this call for contributions far and wide.

PSU-AAUP is the Portland State University chapter of AAUP, representing over 1,100 academic faculty and academic workers. Since June PSU-AAUP has been bargaining a successor contract and PSU administration has remained intransigent. In November PSU-AAUP called for mediation when the administration stated “we have no interest in discussing economics at this time.”

This is happening in an environment where many of our colleagues have already received termination notices, and who will be unemployed at the end of this academic year. Administration claims an $18MM budget shortfall, and yet the financial analysis provided by Howard Bunsis concluded that PSU is in good financial standing. (recap here) At the same time, PSU administration, with the approval of its Board of Trustees, has been subsidizing athletics from its reserves.

In successor bargaining, PSU-AAUP is asking for respect and dignity in the workplace, fair wages, grievable workload protections, layoff protections, and more outlined in our bargaining priorities.

On Wednesday, January 15, PSU-AAUP enters mediation with PSU administration. They are working to be strike-ready by March 9th — the earliest possible date the unit could strike. Please contribute to PSU-AAUP’s strike fund in order to support their strike-readiness.

Additionally, please email the PSU Board of Trustees and President Cudd to invest in PSU faculty and staff.

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