HELU in the News

Common Dreams: “Biden and the Democrats Better Fight Like Hell for Student Debt Relief”

“PDA is proud to be a founding member of a coalition convened by Higher Education Labor United (HELU) that is calling for exactly that. Free, or almost free, higher public education was the norm across America only a few decades ago—and it was central to the unprecedented wealth and growth of American society in the

Common Dreams: “Biden and the Democrats Better Fight Like Hell for Student Debt Relief” Read More »

Colleges and universities are under attack. HELU is going on the offensive – join us.

Colleges and universities are under attack. HELU is going on the offensive – join us. In the past few days, disastrous Supreme Court decisions struck down affirmative action and overturned Biden’s partial student debt cancelation program. This confirms once again: we need a fighting movement to rebuild U.S. higher education. From the Supreme Court to

Colleges and universities are under attack. HELU is going on the offensive – join us. Read More »

Higher Ed For All Takes the Offensive Against Neoliberal Budget Strategy

Recent events in Connecticut highlight the urgency of our current fight over higher education and the need to tie these issues into one offensive strategy. When a Democratic governor, in one of the wealthiest states with a budget surplus, pushes for $500-600 million in cuts to higher education over two years – we’re seeing the

Higher Ed For All Takes the Offensive Against Neoliberal Budget Strategy Read More »

Monthly Review: “New Deal for Higher Ed w/ Jennifer Mittelstadt”

“Higher Education Labor United, for people who don’t know, is like a cross-union organization that brings together people in different higher education unions across the country who really want to pursue what I would call the closest model that exists right now: College For All. Their vision of protecting labor and higher education has to

Monthly Review: “New Deal for Higher Ed w/ Jennifer Mittelstadt” Read More »

Dispatch from the Front Line: United Faculty of Florida in Resistance Against DeSantis’s Fascism

“Florida Teachers Unions are Front Line of Resistance Against DeSantis’s Fascism.” This headline from a vital interview with Paul Ortiz in Truthout on April 1, 2023 catches the mood in the United Faculty of Florida and its large K-12 affiliate, the Florida Education Association, in the face of the current onslaught of hostile legislation and well-publicized right-wing attacks against virtually every

Dispatch from the Front Line: United Faculty of Florida in Resistance Against DeSantis’s Fascism Read More »

Decolonizing Economics Summit: The 4th Annual Post-Capitalism Conference (April 20-22)

This 3-day virtual conference will include a roundtable discussion on the intersections of higher education labor and colonization on Friday April 21st, 3-4:30 p.m. PST.  We will hear from with our labor siblings LeeCee LeeOliver and Sandy Kewanhaptewa-Dixon, from CFA’s Native American and Indigenous Peoples Caucus, and Naomi R. Williams (Rutgers/HELU).  The summit, now in its 4th year, is an

Decolonizing Economics Summit: The 4th Annual Post-Capitalism Conference (April 20-22) Read More »

Philadelphia: Temple Student Strike Turns Ugly as School Ends Some Tuition Aid

“Can this possibly be real?” one colleague asked me when she saw the tweet. It sure is, as Temple officials have confirmed. Many commenters in the Tweet thread suggested that this is downright illegal. And the national coalition Higher Education Labor United put out a statement declaring that “removing tuition remission would destroy [Temple University]

Philadelphia: Temple Student Strike Turns Ugly as School Ends Some Tuition Aid Read More »

Nature: Historic US research strike ends — but energizes a movement

“As University of California researchers return to work, union organizers say this is just the beginning of a nationwide push for better working conditions.” “As it stands, academia is now home to some of the largest growth in unionization across all sectors of the US economy. Nearly 150 unions, representing more than 600,000 academic workers,

Nature: Historic US research strike ends — but energizes a movement Read More »